Tobacco Waste Around the Monterey Bay

The problem...

Between 2013 - 2023, SOS has collected 439,358 cigarette butts from beaches, open spaces, and public areas! As the second the top littered item locally, we know this is just a snapshot of the cigarette litter that continues to negatively impact human and ecosystem health.

Did you know that cigarette butt litter is not only single-use plastic waste (filter), but it is TOXIC waste?

The Cost

The cost of cigarette butt litter is high, both economically and environmentally.

Impossible to Remove

Cigarette filters in the environment will break up into as many as 15,000 microfibers, further polluting our waters and environment with ever smaller bits of plastic that are essentially impossible to remove.


The butts leach toxic chemicals into the environment including nicotine, lead, and arsenic that contaminate our food, soil, and water.

Expensive Locally

A study estimated that public litter abatement or removal of cigarette butts could cost between $3 million to $16 million for each U.S. city.

Expensive for California

Picking up littered items including cigarette butts costs taxpayers and organizations big money. California invested $1.1 billion in state and local waste clean-up in 2021.

Did you know? In 2019, Senate Bill 8 was signed into law, effectively banning smoking in all state parks and beaches.


Save Our Shores have been collaborating with other groups and organizations such as the Tobacco Education Coalition, Ciggy Surfboard, and Surfrider Foundation. We are also working with representatives from the City and County of Santa Cruz to end the local sale of single-use cigarette filters. 

While we support everyone’s right to engage in legal activities, we do not support the illegal toxic littering of our beaches and public spaces that impact all of us.

We're Ready For You To Take Action!

Hi, friends of Save Our Shores! We have a quick favor to ask of you. We have signed on to ban the sale of the single-use cigarette filter in Santa Cruz County. Will you also sign our letter of support?

Why do we care? Because, firstly, cigarette butts are one of the most common plastic waste items found on our beaches and in our watersheds (second only to small plastics…which is basically every other type of plastic on the planet broken down into tiny form).

Yep. They’re everywhere. And they’re toxic waste that leach chemicals such as lead, arsenic, and nicotine into the environment, where they can poison small children, pets, wildlife, and marine life.

This is exactly what Save Our Shores is here to do: make sea change, one piece of legislation at a time!

If you’d like to sign onto the Save Our Shores’ collective voice, you can do so by taking this surveyIt will only take 30-60 seconds of your time and will do Santa Cruz County and the Monterey Bay enormous wonders!

If you’d prefer to submit your own letter of support for the legislation, you can do so by copying and pasting this letter, and further personalizing it! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, YOU CAN HELP MAKE CHANGE!