Save Our Shores ROV Project
Have you met our ROV, Seamore? Seamore is a Remotely Operated Vehicle that our staff and interns have been taking out in the ocean to get a glimpse under the water’s surface!
We utilize Seamore’s underwater camera to search for marine debris in various locations across the Monterey Bay, and to capture videos of our beautiful Marine Protected Areas from a rare perspective!
We feel that this work is valuable both in obtaining information about the value of our MPA’s, and in sharing the beauty and diversity of these areas with students and community members that may not be able to access them. View the videos and descriptions of some of our expeditions below!
“Life in a Tidepool” was created with footage from our ninth ROV expedition on January 15th, 2020 in the dynamic intertidal areas of Natural Bridges State Marine Reserve. Intertidal organisms are specially adapted to live in a constantly changing environment, where they must survive sun exposure, tides, wave action, and predation.
View all of our ROV videos and subscribe to our page on Youtube!

Education Coordinator Krista Rogers learned to operate the ROV during a training at Lover’s Point in Monterey. At the training, Krista learned proper protocol for ROV use, how to respect wildlife while exploring our MPA’s, and practiced maneuvering.

Krista Rogers (left) and Alejandro Garcia (center) team up with intern Abby Herhold (right) to take Seamore out for a dive in the Santa Cruz Harbor.
*This project was developed by the SEE Initiative in partnership with National Geographic’s OpenExplorer. The OpenExplorer site has been discontinued, therefore we are developing a new home for our first few dive videos and blog posts. Stay tuned!