Climate change continues to be the most critical environmental issue we face both globally and locally. The science behind it can be difficult to understand, and while various sources of information about climate change exist, most are highly technical or obscure and none focus specifically on the impacts affecting our Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
This Climate Hub puts the climate spotlight on our Sanctuary. It is a dynamic, interactive, and accessible site that delivers information and empowers citizens. Our goal is to reduce the anxiety and feelings of helplessness so many of us experience about this most significant environmental challenge and provide helpful hints about how they can take action to make a difference.

What is Acidification

According to NOAA, The ocean absorbs about 30% of the CO2 that is released in the atmosphere, and as levels of atmospheric CO2 increase, so do the levels in the ocean. When CO2 is absorbed by seawater, a series of chemical reactions occur resulting in the increased concentration of hydrogen ions. This increase causes the seawater to become more acidic and causes carbonate ions to be relatively less abundant. For more information on ocean acidification click here

In The News

Climate Change Is Affecting Farmers. We Can Fight It At The Ballot Box.

Oceans Have Absorbed 60 Percent More Heat Than Scientists Thought

Can A California Town Move Back From A Sea?

Business News

U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment And Shrinking Economy

Kids Corner

Teaching kids about climate change can be a challenge. Here are five ways you can teach your kid about climate change:

1. Play A Game

2. Watch a Video

3. Download An App

4. Do A Project

5. Join A Museum Or Nature Center

Reference: Ecowatch

What Is A Climate Action Plan?

A climate action plan is a blueprint that shows how the City will address the challenges of climate change. The position of the Federal Government and the State of California (among others), is that human activity is changing the earth’s climate through the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. The climate action plan lays out ways in which the City can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce the level of climate change for future generations.

Click here for specific climate actions plans by county and city.

How a city or country can reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

There are multiple ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Here are examples below:

  • Lighting
  • Solar Panels
  • Fuel Efficient Vehicles
  • Pedestrian & Bike Trails
  • Garbage, Recycling & Solid Waste

How can you reduce your carbon footprint?

  • Add insulation or energy-efficient windows to your home
  • Carpool
  • Conserve water (reduces energy used in pumping
  • Drive a vehicle with high gas mileage ratings
  • In the summer, turn your thermostat up 5 degrees when you are home and down 10 degrees when you are not home
  • Look for the Energy Star logo when buying your next appliance
  • Recycle or reuse materials whenever possible (this reduces landfill emissions)
  • Switch to compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED lighting
  • Unplug electric appliances when not in use (hair dryer, electric toothbrush charger, oscillating fans, lamps
  • Use renewable energy (like solar panels)
  • Using mass transit when possible
  • Walk or bike when you can for local trips

Interviews with Monterey Bay Climate Change Experts

We are fortunate to bring you interviews with some of the top Monterey Bay Climate Change experts! 

USCS Professor Gary Griggs

Vulnerability Study with Ross Clark

Interview with Jason Scorse, Middlebury Institute

External Resources

Climate Access City of Watsonville Climate Action Plan

 Look Ahead Sea Changes San Mateo State of California Clearinghouse Cal-Adapt NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer California Climate Assessments The Nature Conservancy Red Cross