Give the Gift of Healthy Shores
December 18, 2023
What a Wild Year!
February 12, 2024As we get into the last couple of weeks of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to stop, breathe, and reflect on this ongoing journey at Save Our Shores. I am truly proud of what we have accomplished together, but more importantly, I am inspired by this team and those that engage with us time and time again.
I’m also giving myself the grace to admit out loud that I am not only proud and inspired, but also tired – this time of year is a mad-dash for small nonprofits as we do our best to set ourselves up for success in the year to come. Together we found that 2023, like most years, brought with it a mixed bag of wins, losses, changes, adaptations, frustrations, and celebrations.
As an organization, we try to make the work we do have a more equitable impact, expanding our reach to the communities around us, while also remaining focused on delivering results right here at home. With all the world’s problems today, a feeling of insufficiency can sometimes crop up. Are we doing enough?!
It can feel too big and overwhelming to tackle at times, and then I remember there is so much we can do at the local level. And we are working on it – one bite at a time. At the core, I think this is a reflection of our shared humanity. And that to me, our shared humanity, is the ultimate reminder – we will continue the work together.
We are so grateful many of you believe in this work too. We see your support through the conversations we have, from the continued participation in community cleanups, donor events, our education programs, and through donor support, which ensures we can continue to do what we do best – keeping our shores clean and healthy.
We also experience support through collaborations with other nonprofits, businesses, government partners and our local elected officials. I personally witness it every day, as I watch our staff and board carry out the work. I hope you can see what I’m getting at here. It takes a lot of collaboration to make an impact – thank you!
There is so much more to come in 2024 as we create a new strategic plan and look to evolve and adapt some of our programs. But, for now, we hope you will take a moment with us at the end of 2023 to celebrate another great year!
With Gratitude,
Erica Donnelly-Greenan
Executive Director