There has never been a greater need to SAVE OUR SHORES. In recent years, we have seen an exponential increase in threats to our beloved Monterey Bay. If this torrent persists unchecked, by 2050 there may be more plastic than fish in the ocean, our marine and coastal wildlife may be decimated, and scientists predict a catastrophic chain of unstoppable climate-induced impacts. To protect our most important global resource, our life-sustaining ocean, we must face REALITY, spur ACTION, and create HOPE.

SAVE OUR SHORES has been a powerful catalyst for positive change for over 40 years with invaluable help from our dedicated supporters. Now more than ever we need to call upon all who share our vision as we face these unprecedented challenges. Together, we will demand bold solutions to major systemic problems, nurture the next generation of ocean heroes and protect all that we know and love. 

This will be an “all hands on deck” effort requiring contributions big and small. Please review our sponsorship levels (below) and contact Rod at rod@saveourshores.org or (831) 359-1900 to discuss the role you or your organization wants to play.